There exists a mountain of mis-information about the Roman named "Palestina", that could be easily cleared by Hadriani Relandi's: Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata, Volume 1, chronicling his trip in the land of Palestina in 1695/6.
The author Relandi, was fluent in, ancient Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, as well as the European languages. He was known as a noted cartographer,geographer, philologist, and scholar, Relandi surveyed approximately 2500 places where people lived, mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, Mishnah or Talmud. His research method was interesting: First, he mapped the land. Secondly, Relandi identified each of the places mentioned in the Mishnah or Talmud, along with their original source. If the source was Jewish, he listed it together with the appropriate sentence in the Hebrew Scriptures. If the source was Roman or Greek he presented the connection in Greek or Latin. Thirdly, Thirdly, he arranged a population survey and census of each community visited.
Prominent conclusions: The land was predominently, desolate, empty;its' inhabitants few, concentrated in the towns of Acco, Gaza, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Tiberius, and Tzfat. Most of the inhabitants were Jews and the rest, Christians. There were few Muslims, and a scattering of nomad Bedouins. Nablus, called Shchem, where approximately 120 people, members of the Muslim Natsha family and approximately 70 Shomronites, lived. It is interesting and worthy to mention, that Relandi referred to the Muslims as "nomad Bedouins" who arrived in the area as construction and agriculture labor reinforcement, seasonal workers.In the Galilee capital, Nazareth, lived approximately 700 Christians and in Jerusalem approximately 5000 people, mostly Jews and some Christians. Relandi learned that not one settlement in Palestina, had a name that was of Arabic origin. Settlement names originated in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Roman languages.
This beautifully illustrated book, contradicts any post-modern theory which claims a "Palestinian heritage," or Palestinian nation. It further strengthens and validates the connection, kinship of this country to the Jewish people, relevance, pertinence, and the absolute lack of Arab ownership, who adopted the Latin name Palestina for their own.
IMHO, the "Palestinian nation" isn't a theory - it's rather a very practical political technology product...
ReplyDeleteEverything written in this post is a falsehood. Adriaan Reland never visited Ottoman Palestine, and his book is a description of Ancient Palestine, the Palestine of Biblical and Roman times, and the material in it is drawn from ancient sources, such as Josephus or the Talmud. Nowhere in it is there any reference to the Palestine of his own day, the end of the 17th century, let alone any populat5ion figures.
ReplyDeleteThe text of the book can be found here:
Do you know if there is a translation of it anywhere please?
Deleteyou read Latin? 😳
DeleteIt doesn't say he travelled there > The Utrecht Professors expert on all Reland's works say that he sent trusted agents to make the census, and was travelling later to join them, when recalled to Holland because of the illness and late death of his father. He had reached Constantinople. That everything Reland did or wrote was most meticulously researched and he was famous for his accuracy to this very day.
DeleteIn 2017 the University held a 2 month Semnar on he date of death discussing all his works because he was a genius a polymath and much more. I phoned and spoke eprsonally to a few of the eRealmd expert professors and also still have email correspondence with them
So you are a liar and they know the truth.
Every traveller to Palestine has said much the same , only snad, desolationnand very few people. No roads ..totally neglected.
There are existing pictures of the Fome of the Rock which I have, showing it with half the roof off exposing the wooden curved rafters through which the sky can be clearly sen, weeds 4-5 6 ft. high in the platform and rubbish all ober th place.
So don't spread your false nonsense...
Names of the professors?As this complete farce
DeleteNice post thank you Tameka
ReplyDeleteAdriaan Reland did indeed sojourn to & document his findings in Palestina
ReplyDeleteDon't be ridiculous. Author of this book has never visited Palestine. He had no idea how the real state of population was there and then. Read about him:
ReplyDeleteThe Wikipedia account says that he never visited Palestine, but Wikipedia postings are not vetted. You, too, can (after a minimal process) post or change Wikipedia articles. That's why Wikipedia is not a valid source for scholarly research. Unless you have a truly scholarly and vetted source for the claim that he never visited Palestine, then, by Occam's Razor, one has to take at face value that he indeed did visit there.
DeleteBRILL.COM peer reviewed. He never visited Palestine. The book is about Ancient Palestine.
Deletehere's a reference that states:
ReplyDeleteReelant never traveled to the middle East- see the reference and his survey was of Ancient Palestine not the 1695 topography or ethnography
Hamilton, Alastair. "Adrianus Relandus (1676–1718): Outstanding Orientalist." Arabs and Arabists. Brill, 2021. 129-136.
It is unfortunate that the internet spreads so much tendentios misinformation, For relevant scholarship on Reland see: Jaski, Bart, et al., editors. The Orient in Utrecht: Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), Arabist, Cartographer, Antiquarian and Scholar of Comparative Religion. Brill, 2021.
ReplyDeleteIs the book translated into other European languages?